CSS Text Formatting
CSS offers a wide range of properties to control the appearance of text on your web pages. Here are some key ones:
1. Font Properties:
- font-family: Specifies the font family to use (e.g., serif, sans-serif, monospace, Arial, Verdana).
- font-size: Sets the font size (e.g., 16px, 1em, 1rem, inherit).
- font-weight: Controls the boldness of the text (e.g., normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100-900).
- font-style: Sets the font style (e.g., normal, italic, oblique).
2. Text Decoration:
- text-decoration: Adds decorations like underline, overline, or line-through to the text.
3. Text Alignment:
- text-align: Aligns the text within its container (e.g., left, right, center, justify).
4. Text Transformation:
- text-transform: Changes the case of the text (e.g., uppercase, lowercase, capitalize).
5. Text Spacing:
- letter-spacing: Adjusts the space between letters.
- word-spacing: Adjusts the space between words.
- line-height: Sets the vertical spacing between lines of text.
6. Text Indentation:
- text-indent: Indents the first line of text.
7. Example:
p {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 18px;
color: #333;
text-align: justify;
This CSS rule styles all <p> elements with:
- The Arial font (or a similar sans-serif font).
- A font size of 18 pixels.
- A dark gray color.
- Justified text alignment.